06 October 2009

Day 54 - window decisions

Having finished the first frame yesterday, we were forced to answer the question that has been on the table for a while now: how much work do we do in the workshop, and how much on site?

The logical answer to this, given that we can expect weather, shorter daylengths and the efficiencies that we could achieve in a workshop setting, seemed to be that we should do as much as possible within the workshop. This would/could include the window surrounds, sill, flashing, framing etc, as well as putting on the mesh and laths that would form the base for the exterior hemp/lime render.

On this basis, we spent much of the day sorting out how all this could be done, refining some details, and starting to prep some of the materials.

After a considerable amount of fine tuning of the planer (which had not been used in a few years and was out of alignment) we decided to abandon the idea of doing as much as we could in the workshop. We realised that there were too many elements to deal with and in some cases we had not done enough research or prep work. So we decided that we woudl concentrate on making the rough frames only, and leave the rest to be done onsite.

We did end up with a few good examples of how the wood panels for the window openings would look.

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